November is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Awareness Month. Monday, November 2nd, is Color the World Orange Day to raise awareness for RSD. RSD is a rare neurovascular pain syndrome caused by a dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system. The nervous system is on overdrive and sends pain signals when there is no need. 

(For more information go to RSDSA) 

I have RSD and will be posting my story later this month as part of awareness month. If you have RSD and want to be spotlighted as a part of awareness month please contact me:

Even if RSD does not affect you personally there is something unique and special about the way the chronic illness, rare disease, and disabled community sticks together. You don't have to be a part of this community directly (being affected by illness, rare disease, or disability) to show support or spread awareness. We're all in this together!

Post pictures of you wearing orange on social media and tag me in the pictures you post! Twitter: @sick_chicks Facebook: Sick Chicks Instagram: @shira_strong Use #ColorTheWorldOrange and #RSDawareness 


Sick Chick 
